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Inner Game of Selling Benefits
A salesperson doesn’t get a sale unless the customer decides that the salesperson will be getting the sale.
Selling is “Outer” and Buying is “Inner”
You can’t win the “Outer Game” without winning the “Inner Game”
-Timothy Gallwey
• Inner Game trained salespeople enjoy double digit sales growth.
• Sales growth enjoyed by Inner Game trained salespeople accelerates over time!
Traditional sales training methods go in the opposite direction. Growth decreases once the training is over.
Adds Value:
Inner Game salespeople add value:
Customers rely on salespeople for help making better buying decisions. Inner Game equips salespeople with decision-coaching skills. Salespeople add value by influencing the decision process itself. Customers and salespeople work as a team. They share the common goal of customers making the best possible purchasing decision. Inner Game is the only sales training that is truly customer centered.
Creates Purposeful Action:
A salesperson’s purpose isn’t to sell:
A salesperson’s purpose is for customers to buy. Inner Game trains salespeople to secure sales success at its source. That source is the “inner” thought process between a customer’s ears. Only Inner Game training equips salespeople with skills to influence this “inner” conversation that determines success for all salespeople.
Develops Agility:
Inner Game develops salesperson agility:
Agility is crucial for selling! Customers constantly introduce the unexpected. Inner Game trains salespeople to “think on their feet.” Inner Game trained salespeople handle unexpected customer responses masterfully.
Evolves Mindset:
Inner Game is buying without trying:
Inner Game salespeople secure “buying without trying.” Salespeople are taught to leverage customer decision-performance. Selling becomes effortless and even fun.
Fosters a Performance Driven Selling Culture:
Aligning action with purpose is contagious:
Each salesperson becomes a valued source of learning for the entire sales team. 8 hours of daily selling experience multiplies when learning is shared. For example, 10 salespeople each gain 80 hours of selling experience per day in a learning oriented performance driven culture.
The Inner Game of Selling

Jeffrey Lipsius and Timothy Gallwey.
About Jeffrey Lipsius
Jeffrey Lipsius is President of Selling To The Point®-Sales Training and Consulting Services. He’s been training salespeople for more than 40 years. Over 20 years ago, he approached Tim Gallwey about applying The Inner Game to salesperson performance. He tested Tim’s Inner Game principles on his sales force and experienced a tremendous boost in sales.
In addition, his sales team developed better customer relationships and enjoyed selling more. Excited about his new discovery, Jeffrey went on to write his book, Selling To The Point, and created a sales training course. He now trains sales people worldwide and is considered a thought leader and innovator in the sales training field.

The Inner Game of Selling:
Redefine Selling for Optimal Success
The customer’s buying performance is more important than the salesperson’s selling performance.
Buying is the desired outcome of selling, so the purpose of selling is buying. Traditional sales training is “off purpose.” Its focus is on improving a salesperson’s selling performance. The Inner Game of Sales Leadership is “on purpose.” We focus on salespeople improving their customer’s buying performance.
Inner Game of Selling Workshops and Training Events:
All Training Events Presented Virtually by Jeffrey Lipsius
1) Keynote
Invite Jeffrey to speak at your next sales event with a one hour interactive presentation introducing how to increase sales using The Inner Game of Selling method.
2) Interactive Skill Building Culture Shift Workshop
Six Sessions of 90 minutes each, with 2 weeks between sessions for practicing in the field. Total duration: 18 weeks
Workbook with exercises included.
3) Custom Designed Inner Game of Selling Training:
We can design a training to address your specific sales performance needs.
Schedule a consultation today…

The Inner Game of Sales
- Increase sales by discovering the Real goal of selling
- Learn what customers really want and how to provide it
- Increase your customer’s receptivity, interest, and motivation
- Increase customer awareness
- Eliminate interference to buying
- Learn how The Inner Game can be applied in exciting new ways!
Connect with The Inner Game
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More Info
Tim Gallwey lives in Thousand Oaks CA, and when he isn’t touring the globe on speaking engagements, he’s facilitating workshops and The School in LA, and working on ways to make the applications of the Inner Game more accessible internationally to corporations and various conventions on coaching, learning, and peak performance and most importantly continuing to learn more and more in his own understanding the inner dimension of his own life..
14011 Ventura Blvd Suite 502, Sherman Oaks CA 91432