The Inner Game International Schools

What are The Inner Game Schools?

The International Inner Game Schools are the modern hub of the Inner Game. They are central to its evolution, in both coaching and learning. In these schools, Inner Game students learn not only how to learn, but how to coach others to learn, while teaching their teachers great lessons in the process. This symbiotic relationship between teacher and student is central to our philosophy. It is why the Inner Game continues to evolve and grow with every graduating class.

Those who graduate move on to use their newfound skills to learn, coach others through the learning process and revolutionize their lives. From the graduates of these schools come professionals dedicated to the pursuit of learning; both from everyday life experiences and in every coaching session.

With one-on-one sessions, our coaches specialize in helping you find the answers inside, just waiting to be discovered via customized Inner Game tools. These tools are designed to unearth your deepest clarity and teach each student how to continue to learn from their experiences in daily life.

Graduates may also be certified in corporate coaching, through which they will learn how to facilitate the design of custom Inner Game programs for corporations and teams.

Currently, TIGIS Brazil is working in strategic alliances with various associations in order to aid them in gaining new customers. The Inner Game has become widely popular there as a result, attracting media attention in print, on the radio, and on television.

Sharing from Inner Game School Graduates

From the desk of Tim Gallwey:

I am pleased to announce that since the new Inner Game School of Coaching was launched in Sao Paolo, Brazil in March of 2012, the school has now expanded to include the Italy, Spain, and the Czech Republic and the US by the end of 2018. Sign up now to be informed of upcoming dates.

The school is for experienced coaches who’ve already received certification from an authorized body. The curriculum will be presented in workshops spanning from one to nine days in length. The purpose of these workshops and the learning between workshops will be to understand Inner Game principles, techniques, tools, and practice. We’ll focus equally on self-development and the inner game approach to coaching.

The response has been overwhelming, with Graduates expressing how what they have learned has had profound and lasting changes to the way they approach their personal and professional lives. Check out the videos in the next section to hear it in their own words.

The workshops are highly innovative, practical, and experiential. For more information on the school in Brazil, please Click Here…

The Inner Game in South America:

Tim Gallwey’s Coaching Tour of Uruguay,
Paraguay, Brazil, and Columbia

Timothy Gallwey has been a fixture in the coaching world for decades. His “Inner Game” series has paved the way for a new approach to teaching and learning that spans far beyond the sports world. In fact, it was one of the first methods of its kind to gain a following in America. And now, following Gallwey’s recent workshop tours in South America, a whole new continent is getting excited about the Inner Game.

In Montevideo, Uruguay, an audience of 160 coaches studied the inner game with Mr. Gallwey. The workshop broke out of the classic lecture style, incorporating team-building exercises that got the coaches out of their seats and into the work. Collaborative discussion broke the barrier between teacher and student, creating a prime environment for powerful discourse. Tim was delighted by the atmosphere, remarking that “the people who gathered were inquiring and open hearted, a wonderful combination.” He said he found the same everywhere he went in South America. So many people wanted a copy of the book that they sold out! After the seminar, Gallwey attended a working breakfast with ICF and media interviews with Revista Galeria and Diario el Observador.

In Asuncion, Paraguay, 250 attendees, mostly corporate managers, spent two days learning the nuances of the inner game. The people were enthusiastic and engaging. Tim found himself more in a mode of coaching than lecturing, which created a new dynamic that the managers participated in enthusiastically. They dug into the exercises, showing their commitment in the process. Despite the group’s size and the large venue, they found an astounding intimacy in their work together.

After the workshop, Tim was flooded with people wanting pictures, asking questions, and asking him to autograph their new copies of the book. Again, the books sold out! The warmth of the people encouraged Tim to stay an extra day, enjoying their hospitality. It was here that Tim was urged to consider the possibility of putting together The Inner Game of Futbol. It was also here that Tim attended a local tennis tournament where it was arranged for him to speak to the audience and award trophies to the winners. Afterward, Tim took the time to take pictures with the enthusiastic fans.

The next stop was Sao Paulo, Brazil where Tim was greeted by a group of over 100 coaches, mangers and fans. He continued with the coaching style he had employed in Paraguay, and found they too were very receptive to this method of learning the Inner Game. For the third time, we sold out of copies of the book! Much like in the previous country, there was a serious push for Tim to write The Inner Game of Futbol in Portuguese and Spanish! Tim then traveled to Salvadore, Bahai to speak and field questions from an audience of 150 people. Gallwey was once again greeted enthusiastically and even fielded questions from a precocious 12-year-old seminar attendee who was attending the evening seminar with his father. Before moving on to the final city, Natalio and Tim returned to Sao Paolo to meet with Renato regarding the future possibilities of The Inner Game in South America.

In Bogota, Columbia, Tim spoke to a huge audience of over 265 people. Sight Consultants funded this event, in partnership with a major local newspaper, and several other sponsors. After the workshop, Tim was interviewed by ICF, the local newspaper, and local networks. A full-page advertisement for the event ran in the newspaper for five days, in addition to a follow up article with full pictures of Natalio and Tim on the backstage tennis court. As in every other city, every copy of the book we had was sold!

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More Info

Tim Gallwey lives in Thousand Oaks CA, and when he isn’t touring the globe on speaking engagements, he’s facilitating workshops and The School in LA, and working on ways to make the applications of the Inner Game more accessible internationally to corporations and various conventions on coaching, learning, and peak performance and most importantly continuing to learn more and more in his own understanding the inner dimension of his own life..

14011 Ventura Blvd Suite 502, Sherman Oaks CA 91432

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