Somtimes, not matter how many times you have read The Inner Game of Tennis, you mind still wanders…
Are You and Yoga a Match?
Posted by John Branston

yoga karen moss
Yoga is hot. There is hard yoga, soft yoga, hot yoga designed to make you sweat, and even competitive yoga.
To those of us who have spent our athletic lives straining, lifting, grunting, running, jumping, or chasing a ball, this is very strange. Not that we aren’t envious.
When I see someone sitting on their heels or bending over and palming the floor I am as impressed as I am by that guy “Rubberman” who stuffs himself into a suitcase at Grizzlies games. Flexibility is a distant buy ambien online usa memory. My joints went into semi-retirement 15 years ago.
I also envy anyone with mental discipline. My mind still turns to moussaka sometimes when I have a crisis of confidence, no matter how much I practice or how many times I reread Tim Gallwey’s “Inner Game” books about Self One and Self Two.
The trick is finding the mental discipline to achieve mental discipline. And I think this is where yoga comes into the picture. Roy Bell, one of my squash partners, has been doing yoga for five years. At 52, he is the leanest and most flexible player in our group and is rarely injured.